Pornhub was concerned about the amount of energy consumed by their users while enjoying the millions of hours of content offered on their site. That’s why we decided to pitch in to help save the environment by creating a revolutionary device, the Wankband: The first wearable tech that allows you to love the planet, by loving yourself.
We created 20 working prototype models and launched a website where users could sign up to become one of our coveted Beata Testers. The campaign, the first real creative effort for the brand, gained enormous amounts of positive earned media, appearing in respected tech publications and late night comedy shows alike.
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“Pornhub's Wearable Tech Offering with The Wankband”

“Pornhub Launches Masturbation-Powered Charger”

“Pornhub Is Getting Into Wearable Tech With the Wankband. Yes, the Wankband.”

“Wankband: la pulsera que genera electricidad al practicar el onanismo.”

“Wankband By Pornhub Produces Energy From Masturbation”

“Wankband is first gadget that harnesses the energy of masturbation.”
- Pornhub
- Media/Entertainment