Dirtiest Porn Ever
We’ve tried everything to get people concerned about the 6 million tons of trash, mostly plastic, that wash up on our shores each year. But still, the problem persists. That’s why Pornhub decided to try a new tactic: Get people to help clean up our beaches… by getting dirty. To do so, we launched The Dirtiest Porn Ever: An adult film, starring the internet’s hottest amateur couple, shot on one of the most polluted beach in the world. For each view of the video, Pornhub made a donation to Ocean Polymers, an organization dedicated to finding a sustainable solution for preserving our oceans and beaches.
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news stories

“Once again the task of saving the world falls on the shoulders of Pornhub”

“The ‘Dirtiest Porn Ever’ helps clean up our filthy beaches”

“Pornhub Shot Some Porn on a Filthy Beach So You'll Care About the Ocean”

“Pornhub Is Using the Power of XXX-rated film to help clean up the ocean”

“Pornhub Is Getting Dirty On A Beach All In An Effort To Clean Up Our Oceans”

“Pornhub launches Dirtiest Porn Ever campaign to clean up the world's oceans”
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