Opera GX Village
Opera GX
Opera GX, the browser built for gamers, wanted to connect with users around some of the issues they were already talking about. And in recent years, one of the biggest of those has surrounded professional gamers and streamers moving to tax havens like Andorra. That’s why we decided to let the brand’s users get a taste of that lifestyle with Opera GX Village: The first housing development designed just for gamers, with “top of the line setups in every room, more LEDs than an eSports final… and some of the lowest taxes in the world”.
While our planned gated community was never meant to be, we did give users a chance to win a trip for two to Andorra to stay at our prototype home, complete with all the amenities advertised in the Village – including a setup in the bathroom. We asked users to tell us why they deserved to be our first resident on Twitter, and hundreds of thousands applied with everything from videos, stories, poems and pics of their setups.
Discover GX Village: https://www.opera.com/es/gx/village#win-a-trip
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“Opera GX Announces Unique Housing Development for Gamers”

“Opera GX crée un village paradisiaque pour gamers”

“Así es Opera GX Village, una exclusiva villa diseñada para gamers”

“Opera GX Village, una villa de ensueño para gamers”

“Opera GX is making a step from browser development towards property development”

“El navegador Opera GX planea la construcción de una urbanización para gamers en Andorra”