Lonely Night
Pornhub’s HD streaming service, Pornhub Premium, isn’t the easiest product to sell. After all, Pornhub and other sites already offer an almost unlimited number of hours of adult content for free. In order to gain new clients, in 2015 we branded Pornhub Premium as the perfect X-mas gift. The campaign was a huge success and began what is now a new tradition for the brand: The holiday ad.
While 2015’s ad was all about giving Premium to a loved one, in 2016 we changed the focus: Making Premium the perfect gift to give yourself on Christmas…especially if you end up having to spend the holidays alone.
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news stories

“This Pornhub Christmas Ad Is Surprisingly Free of Boobs.”

“Porn site says it exists to help the lonely at Christmas.”

“Pornhub Cheers Up Lonely People on Christmas Eve in Its New Holiday Ad.”

“Have yourself a horny little christmas.”

“Pornhub’s New Christmas Ad Sure Arouses Some Strong Feelings.”

“Pornhub felicita la Navidad a sus usuarios más solitarios.”
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