Big Package For Small Businesses
When it comes to businesses bouncing back from the pandemic, size matters. That’s why, while governments were searching for ways to help the big guys, Pornhub decided to lend a hand with their BIG PACKAGE…to small businesses. Beginning in July 2020, the brand gave away free ads on to the tune of 1 billion impressions, exclusively to small businesses anywhere in the world. Because what better place to connect with new customers than a website that receives over 120 million very happy visitors a day? And we succeeded in doing just that: Bringing new clients through their doors and helping them get back to business after one of the toughest years in memory.
users clicked on the banners
impressions for businesses

“Pornhub’s setting a solid track record in corporate altruism in the midst of a pandemic.”

“Pornhub Launches Initiative For Small Businesses Affected By COVID-19”

“Pornhub offers $300,000 worth of free ads to ailing small businesses”

“Pornhub Shows Off a ‘Big Package’ of 1 Billion Free Ads for Small Businesses”

“The site is leveraging its huge traffic to bring visibility to shops affected by Covid-19”

“Pornhub Is Helping Small COVID-Struck Businesses Globally With A ‘Big Package”